Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten... again!

I survived the first day of Kindergarten... (again!)
Me in Kindergarten

Today was filled with laughter, singing, coloring, reading, playing, and even a few tears (not on my behalf, believe it or not!)

 The day went by so fast! It is hot over in this neck of the woods... which meant that our classroom was steaming! The poor little kiddos were sweating like crazy!

I know it's only the first day.. but I can't help but feel like I was meant to be a Kindergarten teacher! 
Don't get me wrong.. I am whooped! I got home around 4:30.. and by 8:00 tonight, I felt like it was 5am! 

One of my sweet kiddo's looked at me after school and said, "I want to go home and sleep!"

Boy, oh boy, will I sleep good tonight!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Celebrations Big & Small

I have been kinda really stressed out lately...

Life is just busy and my spirit has just been down in the dumps lately..

So tonight I am celebrating the little things. 

Like, finding the perfect nail polish for our wedding day, while shopping for my nail polish swap partner Lin that was hosted by the fabulous Meghan:

J's reaction to my nail polish. "You are going to wear skin colored nail polish on our wedding day? You'll change your mind"
We'll see.. haha
Finding the perfect nail polish is a huge feat for me.. considering how obsessed I am with nail polish!

I am also celebrating the fact that I have had our engagement pictures for a few weeks now and I still can't stop looking at them... here's a sneak peek!

Tomorrow I am officially, Miss Gaglio Kindergarten teacher. Ready or not, here I come!