Friday, July 13, 2012

Gone Fishing

I spent my day off with my Dad this week. I woke up at the crack of dawn and went fishing with him. As you may have guessed, fishing really isn't my thing. I watched my Dad fish, started a new book and spent the morning chatting with my him.

 The weather was perfect. 
Our conversations were even better.
 As I get older and begin to start having my own family, I cherish my time with my Dad. I am a serious Daddy's girl and miss seeing him everyday like I did when I was little. 

So, this fishing trip was simply, perfect.


  1. I am a Daddy's girl too and mine moved 9 hours away I cry every time he leaves from visiting. :)

    1. Dani, I can't imagine! I would too! My fiance and I are considering moving to his home town and it's 2 hours away.. I can't imagine being that far away from my dad!

  2. That's so nice. I used to fish with my dad when I was younger, was so much fun :-) Glad you guys had a good day together.
