Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Josh's Birthday Present

Josh is kind of a hard person to buy gifts for.

He is so content with the things that he has that there isn't much that he wants.
(I wish I felt like that)

So I made him this for one of his presents...

I found the idea on pinterest of course!
If you head over here you can get your free printables!
Marci the creator of these printables has every state and a map of the USA.
She also has the hearts that you can cut out.
On Josh's map I marked all the places we have been together (That I could remember!).
I got the frames at Marshalls for $8.
A cheap, cute, and thoughtful gift if I may say so myself! 


  1. I love home made gifts. This is so thoughtful and personal. Do you think you will add hearts as you go to more places together? That would be cute. I bet he loved it :-)

    1. I did keep a bunch of hearts! If I can remember to do it we will!! =]

      He did love it!


  2. oh, what fun! i love this idea!
    xo TJ
